So I've always liked Disney movies, like Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid, Mulan, Beauty & The Beast...yeah, I know, I know. I mean, I've always been into the Pixar stuff more, but the more recent Disney, as well as the classic stuff from the 40's and 50's have always held a special..ah...well, let's just say that I like them, OK?
Anyway Amy Adams is a goddess in this movie as Giselle (yeah, she would have an innappropriate nickname), the princess from another world caste into ours. All I'll say is this - it's a damn fun movie, and I actually laughed quite a bit and was drawn into the story. Lot's of stuff for the parents as well as the kids. Possibly the best scene of the movie is when Giselle calls upon the animals of NYC to help her clean. Classic. Also, James Marsden as Prince Edward is sublimely cool, the only person I really disliked was Idina Menzel, my god that woman looks like a 40-year-old dude and that Queens accent made me want to gouge out my own ears.
Also, a note on the theatre experience: Movie studios, start making theatres enforce standards, or I will have to get hip deep in the downloading business. I've had it up to my f'n neck with annoying kids/teenagers in movie theatres. I know they are hard to avoid, but MY GOD THEY WOULDN'T SHUT UP. After being told three times, the bastards behind us that were talking and kicking our seats wouldn't stop. So do I get up to complain to deaf theatre ears, miss some of the movie, and leave more pissed, or do I grin and bear it, then track down said teens and smash the rear window of their parents SUV? Clearly the best choice is number two, but seriously, the theatre doesn't give a patron much options, and I saw ZERO ushers patrol the theatre, as I'm sure is required (I was in the movie theatre business as a manager, there should have been at least one patrol through, probably more by Regal's standards). It just sucks when you are spending $19.50 on a ticket, and you wind up suffering by movie lossage/annoyance to get up and get someone to complain. I want the best possible viewing experience dammit! EVERY movie I saw in 2007 was plagued by rude, obnoxious people. Babies in R-Rated movies (300!), dogs in theatres that were not the seeing-eye variety, old ladies yelling to each other (Hairspray), mexican grandmothers falling asleep next to us and snoring (Spider-Man 3!), and generally rude-ass kids. Every single damn one.